reduce crime and improve safety

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

Sunday, May 28, 2006

reduce crime and improve public safety

"Reduce Crime and Improve Public Safety"
As far back as I can remember even when I was in high school "Crime" has always been on every politicians top five things to do, if you elected them into office, any office. Many times it was the number 1 thing to do. Hey! This sounds so familiar it's funny, but it's not. Again staying with tradition, if elected governor this is what I would do to reduce crime in Hawaii. The solution is the same as with "Education", if you want to improve education you give the teachers more money and if you want to reduce crime you give the police officers more money. Same as before, FIVE, FIVE, FIVE, FIVE, FIVE, you know as long as the "Ohana Lottery" is running the state can afford to give each county more money to build a bigger and stronger police force and everybody knows bigger and stronger are better. The state would also have enough funding so that the departments could aid their officers by purchasing the most,up-to-date, technological, sophisticated, state-of-the-art equipment needed to reduce crime in Hawaii. So coupled with bigger and stronger will be smarter and faster. If we are to succeed in the fight against crime, we must give our police officers every advantage possible. Drugs are such a huge part of crime in Hawaii and it ruins a countless number of lives each year. We must stop this senseless waiste of our brothers and sisters lives to drugs and crime. Our counties would also get enough funds to give to our firefighters so they too can build a bigger and stronger department. Together with the latest equipment in firefighting they can better protect our lives and property. The events of 911 will forever be in our minds, let's not forget the people we dubbed "Heroes".
Aloha and Mahalo
Van K. Tanabe